
What Would You Like To Change Today?

Hi, I'm Rick... I've been a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist since 2007. My bestselling 2013 book "How to Master Self-Hypnosis in a Weekend" introduced tens of thousands of new enthusiasts to the amazing potential of the hypnotic trance.

I now work exclusively online, delivering custom hypnosis recordings which have opened up professional hypnotherapy to people all over the world, irrespective of of their location, wealth, or status. 

Join thousands of my satisfied clients who are benefiting daily from the power and convenience of my hypnosis downloads.

UK English Voice

Rick Smith - Clinical Hypnotherapist

Best-selling author of 'How to Master Self-Hypnosis in a Weekend'

I've been providing specialised online audio hypnosis since 2013. You'll find more than 40 programs and multipacks here, all ready to download today.

It Works!

More than 40% of my clients come back for more!

Many of my clients return for a second or third program, plus I offer a 100% 30-day refund guarantee, no questions asked. So, there's no risk, but a huge potential reward!

Premium Hypnosis Programs - $13.95

Something for Everyone

Choose from more than 40 three-session programs, for Anxiety, Confidence, Motivation, Insomnia, Happiness, and a wide variety of common (and not-so-common) life challenges.

Hypnosis For The Many, Not The Few

Imagine you have a problem that you're facing, a habit you'd like to change, or something you'd like to stop doing. You've had hypnosis or hypnotherapy recommended to you, so you find the courage to make an appointment.

The due day arrives, and you head off for your session. Perhaps you drive there, dealing with the traffic, finding a car park, worrying that you'll be late, and eventually arriving, stressed and nervous. The hypnotherapist invites you into their office. It's an unfamiliar environment, and you're apprehensive about what this stranger is going to do to you. Will it work? Will you feel it? How will you know if it's been effective?

So you spend the first half of the session trying to figure out if you're actually hypnotised. Assuming the trance happens, in spite of your nervousness and apprehension, you eventually emerge, unsure of what took place.

Is that it?

You pay your money (probably quite a lot of money) and you're out the door, so the therapist can see the next client. You find your car, pay your ticket, and start your return. By the time you get home you already know that some of the effect has worn off, so you try your self-hypnosis routine like your hypnotist told you to, but you can't seem to make it work.

All that stress, all that money, and - except for a fortunate few - very little long-term effect.

You may give up completely. Your problem wasn’t solved.

The Smarter Alternative

You decide to try hypnotherapy to manage your challenge or issue.

You buy, beg, borrow or steal one of my recorded programs.

You find a quiet, comfortable space at home, put on your headphones, and listen to the sessions, which I’ve specifically created and adapted to work effectively in a one-way environment.

You practice your new skills straight away, and repeat your hypnosis sessions whenever necessary, anytime, anywhere.

Now, how’s that not going to work better?

The Well-Being Collection

Boost your motivation, and get more done

Whatever happened to your easy life? These days, there’s so much to do. It saps your energy and your focus. Some days you just can’t be bothered.

Your demotivation may be caused or triggered by external events. Maybe you just don’t feel appreciated or rewarded; this is not what you signed up for. Alternately, it may be an ingrained pattern of behaviour caused by adolescent experiences or past shortfalls - you feel destined to under-perform, so you continually set yourself up that way.

When you’re demotivated like this, life can be pretty joyless. You can be better.

Choose form a wide range of positive, powerful audio hypnosis programs, to boost your motivation and get more done...

Cool, Calm, Confident You...

Maybe you’re struggling with social situations? Wanting to start new friendships, but wary of putting yourself out there.

Perhaps you want to be more confident in your work life? You’ve seen how more assertive people progress and succeed, and you’d like to be able to do that for yourself.

Or are you facing presentation or performance anxiety? You have a great story to tell, but you’re held back, anxious about the things that could go wrong, and ignoring the - more likely - outcome that everything goes right?

Explore my catalog of confidence audio hypnosis programs below...

Sleep Fast, Sleep Deep, Sleep Now...

Hypnosis and sleep go hand in hand. Once you’re in the deeply relaxed state that hypnosis provides, it’s one small step to slip off into deep, nourishing sleep. And the benefits of better sleep are very real, as are the health consequences of poor sleep habits.

I’ve been helping people with their sleep issues for more than ten years, using a combination of practical (coaching) adjustments to their schedule, nutrition, and sleep environment, coupled with powerful hypnosis routines to gently smooth the way.

Of all the things that hypnotherapists treat, sleep is one of the toughest to crack in a clinical environment. Obviously, if you’re looking for hypnosis to help you nod off, you need it there and then - at bed time!

Only recorded hypnosis can provide this.

Please scroll down to see the various programs in this collection. There’s some proven conventional hypnotherapy, as well as my new range of ambient guided hypnosis tracks that take you even deeper, and are open-ended, so they’re ideal for use at night.

Recreational and Relaxation Hypnosis

We live in a turbulent and unpredictable world right now. It’s hard to ignore the constant background noise, the 24-hour news cycle, and the day to day uncertainty of events we can’t influence or control.

Imagine how it could be if you found a way to escape, to take time out from the real world, from time to time?

These programs have been created to deliver the ultimate relaxation experience. Choose from something specific, or just relax and do nothing at all...

Ambient Guided Hypnosis - 'The Trippy Stuff'...

I created these unique ambient guided sessions to add a new meditational dimension to your hypnosis experience. Subtle, immersive, ambient music works alongside my voice to deepen the induction and enhance the trance, enabling you to spend more time exploring and discovering the farthest corners of your hidden consciousness.

Each session identifies and targets a unique personal attribute, and provides you with the tools to activate simple, rapid, and permanent changes in to your life. Combining the best techniques from hypnosis and guided meditation, ambient guided hypnosis releases your mind and opens you up to new worlds of clarity and insight.

These sessions all have a ‘fade-out’ ending, so are ideal for use in bed, at night, as an aid to falling asleep.

Targeted Weight-Loss Solutions

It doesn’t matter which diet you choose; Low-Carb, Low-Fat, Paleo, Atkins, Clean Eating, South Beach, or anything that’s proven to work. These powerful, targeted hypnotherapy programs will arm you with the mental strength and secret weapons to make sure you stick to your mission, and achieve your target.

Successful weight loss begins in your head, and mental strength is the most important element of any successful diet. Hypnosis works deep in your mind, helping you to modify your relationship with food and drink, health, and fitness, so that you make better decisions and get faster results.

The Personal Challenges Collection

Professional and Career Development...

People often associate hypnosis with emotional, practical, or even spiritual change. However, these same proven techniques that work so well for confidence, anxiety, relaxation, and mental enhancement can be equally applied in the world of work.

Your success in life will largely depend on your mastery of self-control, your ability to embrace and lead change, and the skill with which your communicate your important messages and ideas to others. You can acquire or enhance these important assets, integrate them into your habits and behaviour, and apply them for your own advantage in your own personal development program.

Each of these popular, powerful audio hypnosis programs includes three sequential hypnosis downloads, to progressively highlight the key skills and techniques, then implant them into your subconscious, where they’ll be on-call for you anytime, anywhere.

Advancing your career is the most reliable route to personal fulfilment, prosperity, and life-long security. Why settle for average? Take action now, and aim for excellence in 2021.

Reviews of rick's books and programs

'NOT one of those "turn yourself into a robot-zombie and rule the world" junkers. It is a realistic, simply written book about how to put yourself into a hypnotic trance and work for self improvement or relaxation. Of the last 12 books I've ordered, this is clearly the best.'

I won't spoil it for you but, the very last session will change your life! I can't understand why all the other reviews are so calm, I'm so excited!'

Rick Smith really delivers with this book. This is the only self hypnosis book you will need. Also, his voice is pleasant to listen to when he guides you through the exercises.


My most popular title combinations, based on client feedback.

Twin-Packs $19.45 (saving 30%) - Triple-Packs $24.85 (saving 40%)