'THE MEMORY CODE - Hypnosis for Memory & Recall Training' - 3 Session Audio Hypnosis Program + 2 Hypnosis Conditioning Recordings

'THE MEMORY CODE - Hypnosis for Memory & Recall Training' - 3 Session Audio Hypnosis Program + 2 Hypnosis Conditioning Recordings

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Most of us struggle with memory lapses at some time in our lives. It can be a frustrating and maddening when it happens, but there are simple changes you can make - and techniques you can learn - to improve your performance.

  • Do you struggle to recall names, even of people you met recently?

  • Do you frequently mislay things, then waste time searching for them?

  • Do you occasionally forget appointments or events?

  • Or would you simply like to be better at learning, revising, and recalling information?

People simply dismiss their memory lapses, blaming age, tiredness, carelessness, and any number of other excuses. We don’t take it seriously, mocking ourselves as forgetful, allowing phrases like ‘senior moment’ to enter our language.

We assume there’s nothing we can do to improve things, or to arrest a perceived decline.

So we never try!


Much of how our memory works remains a scientific mystery. However, there’s no mystery about how we use it - not very well, most of the time. We lean towards complacency - thinking we’ll easily remember everything we need to - then we’re disappointed when our memory lets us down.

These three new hypnosis sessions will train you to make better use of what you’ve got, and utilise more of your amazing memory to benefit your life, your work, or your social life.

  • Precision Learning - scripts, speeches, presentations, examinations - when you need to learn, and you need it to stick, the techniques in this session will help you to break down the task using chunking, a well-proven technique used by actors, business leaders, presenters, and politicians, whenever accurate recital and delivery is important.

  • Names & Faces - probably the most common memory issue today, and the easiest to fix. This session trains you in simple, reliable techniques that you’ll automatically deploy whenever you meet new people, to store and retrieve names and faces on demand.

  • Memory Organisation - life can be chaotic at times, and the way we store important memories can often be chaotic too. This session introduces a daily three-minute memory-maintenance plan for better memory organisation, which will soon become an automatic habit .

You already possess all the personal resources to significantly improve your memory performance. All you need to do is recognise, that like any other muscle, your memory needs training and exercise to perform at its optimum level.

Once you’ve completed these sessions - repeating them as necessary - you’ll easily take the simple steps that will boost your memory power. You’ll be confident and motivated, knowing that you have a secret weapon in reserve that will always give you the edge.

Imagine that.


As with all my hypnosis programs, this one will work better and faster if you’re confident going in and out of hypnosis. If you’ve tried hypnosis or hypnotherapy in the past, and feel that it worked for you, you should be fine. If this is your first time, I recommend you complete my two short training recordings (included free in your download package) before you set to work on your new mission.

Hypnosis is progressive, and the more often you do it, the faster, smoother, and deeper it becomes. By conditioning yourself with the training trances, you’ll find the therapeutic effects of the main recordings will be many times more successful.

Each of the three recordings has a short introduction, or pre-amble, following which you’ll begin the hypnosis. The three Memory Code recordings add up to almost two hours of professional hypnotherapy and training. All of this is easily achieved in the privacy of your own home.

All you have to do is relax!