'HOW TO KEEP YOUR COOL - ANGER MANAGEMENT' -  3 Session Audio Hypnosis Program + 2 Hypnosis Conditioning Recordings

'HOW TO KEEP YOUR COOL - ANGER MANAGEMENT' - 3 Session Audio Hypnosis Program + 2 Hypnosis Conditioning Recordings

Regular price $13.95 Sale


So, you’re angry. Maybe you’re angry all the time. And when your anger bursts out, people around you get hurt or upset.

Afterwards, you wish it hadn’t happened. But it does, and the cycle repeats.

You find yourself asking why it happens to you, but not to everyone else.


First of all, let’s agree: it’s not your fault. You’re a unique and amazing person. Your anger is something that happens to you, probably because of something else that happened to you.

‘Traditional’ anger management therapy focuses on unearthing the source and modifying the outcome, and it’s highly personal to each client. However, there’s another way to control and eliminate persistent anger (better suited to recorded hypnosis) and that’s the approach we’ll take in this program.


You’re probably not taking care of yourself as well as you could, mentally and/or physically. The source or cause of your anger is real, however, there are a whole bunch of practical considerations that will, if not attended to, amplify your anger symptoms.

It’s easy to lose sight of some of the logical, conventional human behaviour systems that have evolved to keep us stable and level headed, and which you’ve been neglecting.

We’ll be dealing with this aspect first, and making a few small repairs.


You may pass off your anger episodes as stress-induced. However, if you look underneath the here-and-now, you shouldn’t be surprised to unearth long-standing feelings of disappointment, sadness, betrayal, or inadequacy.

Your anger triggers kick in whenever you feel threatened, undervalued, or even unloved. Life often feels unfair to you, so you’re unconsciously hyper-vigilant to any kind of criticism - real or perceived - and this sets you off.

This was done to you; you did not cause it.

The program offers you the opportunity to right some wrongs and correct some flawed beliefs; the ones that are disrupting you.


You’re well aware that you have the capability to stay calm and rational if you focus, but your anger has become a kind of therapeutic outlet for your feelings of indignation or vulnerability, and it may even be addictive in some way.

You allow yourself to blow off steam without any limit or restraint, and that makes you think you feel better. People end up flattering or indulging you so they get through your outbursts in the shortest time possible, or alternately avoiding you altogether. .

It’s not their fault either.

You’ve forgotten how to be calm, but you can learn again and make it your default state, once you’re shown how.


As with all my hypnosis courses, this one will work better and faster if you’re confident going in and out of hypnosis. If you’ve tried hypnosis or hypnotherapy in the past, and feel that it worked for you, you should be fine. If this is your first time, I recommend you complete my two short training recordings (included free in your download package) before you set to work on your new mission.

Hypnosis is progressive, and the more often you do it, the faster, smoother, and deeper it becomes. By conditioning yourself with the training recordings, you’ll find the therapeutic effects of the main recordings will be many times more successful.

All you have to do is relax!