'THE MOTIVATION CODE' - 3 Session Audio Hypnosis Program + 2 Hypnosis Conditioning Recordings - Running Time 160m

'THE MOTIVATION CODE' - 3 Session Audio Hypnosis Program + 2 Hypnosis Conditioning Recordings - Running Time 160m

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Whatever happened to your easy life? These days, there’s so much to do. It saps your energy and your focus. Some days you just can’t be bothered…


Your logical brain knows what you need to do, and when and how to do it. But your emotional brain is pulling you backwards, acting like a hacker, sending you false code -

  • “Don’t start that task because we might fail, and we know how that feels!”

  • “It’s so cosy here on the sofa, we can paint the fence some other time!”

  • “We don’t need a promotion, who wants to hustle that hard?”

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So you languish in your comfort zone, fooling yourself that this is the life you want, when you’re actually feeling guilty, embarrassed, or ashamed because you know it’s not the life you really need.

You should be doing something.


Your demotivation may be caused or triggered by external events. Maybe you just don’t feel appreciated or rewarded; this is not what you signed up for. Alternately, it may be an ingrained pattern of behaviour caused by adolescent experiences or past shortfalls - you feel destined to under-perform, so you continually set yourself up that way.

When you’re demotivated like this, life can be pretty joyless.

You can be better.



Your situation is your emotional bad code, causing you to behave sub-optimally, and it’s holding you back from achieving your potential.

In the three sessions of The Motivation Code, we’ll hunt down that broken code, and replace it with new, effective code that will fire your positive, energetic “Let’s Get This Done” response instead of your old “Let’s Not Bother Today” submission.

  • Session One focuses on your desires, goals, and objectives, and teaches you define destinations and journeys. You’ll sharpen your long-range focus so that you can start to gain perspective, and control your short-term challenges with micro-planning rituals. Once you rediscover the pleasures of successful outcomes, you’ll channel your energy into getting past the hard stuff quickly, without prevarication.

  • Session Two borrows from the mindsets and rituals of Olympic athletes, to equip you with powerful secret weapons for getting off the start line, executing race strategy, and finishing strongly every time. Distractions fall away when you have just one important job to do!

  • Session Three reveals choices you hadn’t considered, and shows you how to dump your complicated cocktail of negative thinking - the bad code - in a vault so secure that it simply won’t come back to influence you in the future. Once you’re free of your artificial emotional restraints, you’ll see the full picture - maybe for the first time - and the immense potential you possess.


These three sessions add up to around two hours of original, professionally recorded hypnotherapy.


As with all my hypnosis courses, this one will work many times better and faster if you’re confident going in and out of hypnosis. If you’ve tried hypnosis or hypnotherapy in the past, and feel that it worked for you, you should be fine. If this is your first time, I recommend you complete my two short training recordings (included free in your download package) before you set to work on your new mission.

Hypnosis is progressive, and the more often you do it, the faster, smoother, and deeper it becomes. By conditioning yourself with the training trances, you’ll find the therapeutic effects of the main recordings will be many times more successful.


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Once you have a clear target and a solid plan, and you replace that bad code you don’t need any more, you won’t recognise the old you any more.

You’ll feel powerful, you’ll radiate positive energy, and you’ll join the legion of successful, motivated people who know how to use The Motivation Code to get what they want.

Each of the three recordings has a short introduction, or pre-amble, following which you’ll begin the hypnosis. The three Motivation Code recordings add up to more than two hours of professional hypnotherapy and training. All of this is easily achieved in the privacy of your own home.

All you have to do is relax!