'Coping With Separation & Divorce' - 5-Session Audio Hypnosis Program (192m)

'Coping With Separation & Divorce' - 5-Session Audio Hypnosis Program (192m)

Regular price $24.75 $16.95 Sale


Dealing with separation and divorce is one of the most painful life events you’ll face. The end of a long relationship can manifest itself as grief and loss, particularly if it happens suddenly.

Feelings and emotions - anger, disappointment, betrayal, confusion, fear for the future - can overwhelm you.

Whether you’re the instigator, the unwilling victim, or somewhere in between, it’s important that you manage your words, feelings, and actions carefully so that you can pick your way through the minefield and emerge safe and strong on the other side.

When you’re facing a break-up like this, there are so many confusing factors washing around in your brain, that it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that there’s a life beyond. Whilst that might be daunting for some people, the opportunities for happiness and fulfilment that it offers up make it worth taking care to emerge in the best possible shape.

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This program has been created to support and guide you through the decisions you make and how to identify and enact your true priorities, even when emotions are running high.


There are two distinct paths you can follow.

The first is to fight, initially against the whole thing, and then, once acceptance takes root, fight against every single step in the process. The lawyers love people like you, because you’ll be keeping them well supplied with instructions to write letters, contest claims, and generally run a proxy war on your behalf.

And they’ll keep you well supplied with bills and invoices.

You use your anger and adrenaline to distract you from dealing with the hurt.

You will (eventually) emerge from the never-ending battles and emotional disruptions. You’ll be exhausted, you’ll be poorer, your other relationships will be strained, and you’ll have acquired a bitter enemy for life.

And you then have to pick yourself up and move on with a life that you simply haven’t allowed yourself time to plan.

However, there is another way…

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This is how you get through it with the least possible disruption, keeping your dignity and self-esteem throughout, and earning the long-term respect of family, friends, and even your ex-partner, by demonstrating that you are determined to conduct yourself with dignity and respect.

It isn’t easy, and you’re going to have to learn to bite your lip and hold your nose every day. This program will equip you with the tools to enable you to see past the emotional flare-ups, keeping your eye on your destination and paying close attention to the most diplomatic and compassionate route through the maze.

By choosing this path, accepting the inevitable compromises early in the process, and staying cool and connected throughout, you’ll emerge quicker, stronger, and with a clear conscience, free of the constraints that have been holding you back, and ready to push on towards your full potential.

Ask yourself now, wouldn’t you rather take that route?


This hypnosis program deals with five key areas in which your control over your behaviour and your resistance to emotional misdirection are key to your safe passage.

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Session 1 focuses on the here and now, in particular the anger and confusion you may be feeling about what is happening to you, perhaps the frustration you feel with an unengaged partner who has forced you to this point, and the tools to acknowledge and deal with this most damaging threat to your successful outcome.

Acceptance is never easy, but you can’t start to heal until you do.


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Session 2 concentrates on control. Whatever your situation, it can only be improved by exerting your will, in a subtle and considerate way, to steer the process the way you want it to go. You’ll acquire tools that will help you to think ahead and anticipate flash-points and obstacles before they occur, and a simple system of Think – Plan – Act which you’ll follow to make sure you don’t revert to impulsive or destructive behaviour.

No matter how hard you’re pushed.


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Session 3 is designed to strengthen your resolve and keep you safe from the inevitable temptation to accept a sub-optimal compromise and call the whole thing off. There may be some tough challenges ahead, and moments of weakness where you’d settle for what you had in order to make the whole thing stop. Examine those feelings and the flawed logic inside, and learn how to dismiss them.

They’re false signals that can only lead you back to a place you’re trying to leave.


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Session 4 deals with probably the most challenging aspect of any break-up, and that’s coping with your own internal feelings. In the earlier sessions you acquired the practical tools to maintain your equilibrium and stay calm and controlled. In this session, you’ll learn the important techniques to challenge your own emotions and bring them under your control, for as long as you need to.

You only cry in private.

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Session 5 sets you up for life after all this is over, and equips you with the skills to look past your present challenges and relish the freedom and new choices that you’ll be empowered to make. Here, you’ll be re-introduced to a skillset you’ve been suppressing, learning how to look farther and wider for the things you need in the life you want.

There’s no need to feel apprehensive about the future. Anticipation uses exactly the same muscles!


These sessions have been designed to be re-used often. Sometimes you’ll get stuck in a difficult spot for a little while, and you’ll benefit from the clarity of thought and direction that repeating one of these sessions will bring.

Your objective is to get through this storm in the best shape possible, and that means sticking to a plan.

So before you call a lawyer, and commit yourself to an long, expensive, emotionally damaging confrontation, why not take a step back, get some perspective, and diffuse and de-escalate your situation so that you can navigate through it with dignity, poise, and purpose?