The Positivity Code - 3-Session Audio Hypnosis Program (+ 2 Training Sessions)

The Positivity Code - 3-Session Audio Hypnosis Program (+ 2 Training Sessions)

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Modern life is packed full of pressure - on our time, our careers, our relationships, and our finances. Happiness can be elusive with so many external forces acting on us. If you submit to the pressure, you end up as a passenger; a spectator to a life that could be so much more.

If you sometimes feel that the glass is half empty for you, how about making a change? A simple shift in your mindset that will train you to:

  • See the bigger picture and view every challenge as an opportunity.

  • Look for the positive potential in every situation.

  • Seize the good things in life and live it to the full.

When you switch to a positive outlook, you’ll discover reserves of energy that will drive you through every obstacle, and feel the elation of reaching your goals and objectives more often.


Don’t let yourself be swept along on the world-wide wave of mediocrity. You can do better!

Life is a never-ending barrage of choices, and each positive action leads to another opportunity to move yourself forwards.

  • How about doing something now, rather than waiting until you ‘feel like it’?

  • Or taking control of difficult challenges so that you control the outcome?

  • And finding inspiration and motivation where you once avoided engagement?

Don’t languish in your comfort zone, fooling yourself that this is the life you want, when you could be plotting and planning each day as a new step in reaching your life’s goals and dreams.

You should be doing something about it.


The essential elements of a positive mindset are locked away in your subconscious mind, waiting to be released and pressed in to action.

In the three sessions of The Positivity Code, we’ll hunt down those instincts and bring them to the forefront of your mind, enabling you to examine your amazing potential close-up, and putting in place the behavioural changes that will deliver your successful, positive life choices.

  • Session One (40m 43s) You’ll have noticed that the people you’re attracted to in your life are positive people. They come across that way through their behaviour, the way they talk and act, and the things they do. You sense that they are the kind of people who power through every obstacle, never backing away from a challenge. They keep their clear goals and objectives in mind, all the time. They fix their target, then use the power of positive energy to guide themselves towards it, bringing people along with them.

    Well-defined destinations also demand a clear route to get there. Once you strip away those peripheral distractions and limiting beliefs, positivity is so simple to achieve, absorb, and use to your advantage. This session shows you how.

  • Session Two (33m 29s) In this session, you’ll be guided towards a deep, tranquil state of renewal, where you can make choices to replace negative or limiting beliefs and thoughts with more beneficial and positive habits and behaviour.

    This is a spring clean for your mind. You’re probably held back by the immense amount of baggage that we all carry through life, and once you de-clutter your thinking, you’ll see a more direct and less turbulent road to your destination.

    Hypnosis enables a state of immense clarity, when you allow yourself to go there. This session takes you on that journey.

  • Session Three (39m 30s) In this sessions, you’ll explore some the many facets of choice: freedom, time, space, and peace. I wonder if you could ever have imagined that you would have all of these wonderful, positive attributes at your personal disposal. Once you’re free of your artificial emotional restraints, you’ll see the full picture - maybe for the first time - and the immense potential you possess.

    If you’ve been putting obstacles in your own way, this session will release you and restore your personal control, once you discover the freedom of choice you’ve kept suppressed for so long.

Our objective is to use the transformative power of hypnosis to move you from where you are now to the place you really want to be. ou have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.


As with all my hypnosis courses, this one will work better and faster if you’re confident going in and out of hypnosis. If you’ve tried hypnosis or hypnotherapy in the past, and feel that it worked for you, you should be fine. If this is your first time, I recommend you complete my two short training recordings (included free in your download package) before you set to work on your new mission.

Hypnosis is progressive, and the more often you do it, the faster, smoother, and deeper it becomes. By conditioning yourself with the training trances, you’ll find the therapeutic effects of the main recordings will be many times more successful.


Once you have a clear target and a solid plan, and you replace that negative thinking that you don’t need, you won’t recognise the old you any more.

You’ll feel powerful and motivated, and you’ll join the club of successful, positive people who know how to use The Positivity Code to get what they want.

Each of the three recordings has a short introduction, or pre-amble, following which you’ll begin the hypnosis. The three Positivity Code recordings add up to almost two hours of professional hypnotherapy and training. All of this is easily achieved in the privacy of your own home.

All you have to do is relax!