PERSONAL PERFORMANCE HYPNOSIS TRIPLE PACK: How To Win At Everything, Own The Stage, The Memory Code - 11 Sessions

PERSONAL PERFORMANCE HYPNOSIS TRIPLE PACK: How To Win At Everything, Own The Stage, The Memory Code - 11 Sessions

Regular price $41.85 $24.95 Sale

Save 40% on my great-value Audio Hypnosis Multi-Pack, matching two powerful, themed programs to provide a holistic approach to life's everyday challenges.

Product Specification

  • Nine full-length hypnotherapy recordings
  • Two full-length hypnosis training and conditioning recordings (2 x 16m)
  • Audio format: .mp3 (plays on any device)
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Download to computer, or stream to phone or tablet


Speaking in public: love it or hate it, if it’s part of your life, you want to do the best you can. This 3-part program engages the best techniques which professional speakers, presenters, and performers of all kinds rely on to ensure slick, flawless delivery every time they’re on their feet.

  • How to ‘logic-away’ performance anxiety, and channel nervous energy for positive effect.

  • How to create engaging content which is focused, sequential, making it easy to recall when the time comes.

  • How to get inside the minds of your audience, so you meet their needs and deliver the show they came to see.If no-one told you these methods, you might never know.

There is an infinite variety of reasons why people suffer with performance confidence, but it usually amounts to the same thing: fear of failure. Putting yourself out there, in front of an audience, runs a big risk in your mind. You need to think differently…

In the three sessions of Own the Stage, we’ll systematically reprogram your habits, behaviours, and responses so that you close all the loopholes that can potentially derail you - in your current mindset. Each of the sessions builds on the previous one, to progressively equip and empower you with a complete toolbox for presentation or performance confidence.



I’m sure you’ve heard all about something called ‘the winning mindset’. Like many clichés, it’s a major over-simplification of a much more complex and sophisticated scenario, involving habits, attitudes, clear thinking, good organisation, and a powerful belief system.

That last one could be the most important of them all. Most of us are deficient in at least one of these areas. Some people associate struggling, or even losing, with bad luck. If only fortune had shone on them that day, they would have won.

The trouble is that this kind of deflection, if practiced over time, can become a permanent state of mind: you don’t expect to win, so you set yourself up to lose every time. You develop a powerful set of comforting emotions which you can fall back into, but which can consign you to an average life of underachievement and seething frustration.

This program has been created to show you the winning habits that you can model, and embed both the clear logic of doing so, and the habitual behaviour that will change the way you function, in every part of your life.



  • Do you struggle to recall names, even of people you met recently?
  • Do you frequently mislay things, then waste time searching for them?
  • Do you occasionally forget appointments or events?
  • Or would you simply like to be better at learning, revising, and recalling information?

Most of us struggle with memory lapses at some time in our lives. It can be a frustrating and maddening when it happens, but there are simple changes you can make - and techniques you can learn - to improve your performance.

People simply dismiss their memory lapses, blaming age, tiredness, carelessness, and any number of other excuses. We don’t take it seriously, mocking ourselves as forgetful, allowing phrases like ‘senior moment’ to enter our language. We assume there’s nothing we can do to improve things.

You already possess all the personal resources to significantly improve your memory performance. All you need to do is recognise that, like any other muscle, your memory needs training and exercise to perform at its optimum level.

Once you’ve completed these sessions - repeating them as necessary - you’ll easily take the simple steps that will boost your memory power. You’ll be confident and motivated, knowing that you have a secret weapon in reserve that will always give you the edge.


You'll Succeed Faster With Hypnosis

As with all my hypnosis programs, these will work better and faster if you’re confident going in and out of trance. If you’ve tried hypnosis or hypnotherapy in the past, and feel that it worked for you, you should be fine. If this is your first time, I recommend you complete my two short training recordings (included in your download) before you set to work on the main event.

Hypnosis is progressive, and the more often you do it, the faster, smoother, and deeper it becomes. By conditioning yourself with the training recordings, you’ll find the therapeutic effects of the main recordings will be many times more successful.

All you have to do is relax!


Rick Smith has been a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist since 2007. His bestselling 2013 book "How to Master Self-Hypnosis in a Weekend" introduced tens of thousands of new enthusiasts to the amazing potential of the hypnotic trance. Rick's online system, using custom hypnosis recordings - the scripts - has opened up access to professional hypnotherapy to people all over the world, irrespective of of their location, wealth, or status.