Confidence & Stop Nail-Biting Hypnotherapy Twin Pack - 'COOL, CALM, CONFIDENT YOU' & 'STOP BITING YOUR NAILS' - Includes Hypnosis Training

Confidence & Stop Nail-Biting Hypnotherapy Twin Pack - 'COOL, CALM, CONFIDENT YOU' & 'STOP BITING YOUR NAILS' - Includes Hypnosis Training

Regular price $18.90 $15.95 Sale

This great-value Audio Hypnosis Multi-Pack matches two powerful, themed programs to provide a holistic approach to life's everyday challenges.

Product Specification

  • Four full-length hypnotherapy recordings
  • Total running time: 175 minutes
  • Two full-length hypnosis training and conditioning recordings (2 x 16m)
  • Audio format: .mp3 (plays on any device)
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Download to computer, or stream to phone or tablet


  • Maybe you’re struggling with social situations? Wanting to start new friendships, but wary of putting yourself out there.

  • Perhaps you want to be more confident in your work life? You’ve seen how more assertive people progress and succeed, and you’d like to be able to do that for yourself.

  • Or are you facing presentation or performance anxiety? You have a great story to tell, but you’re held back, anxious about the things that could go wrong, and ignoring the - more likely - outcome that everything goes right?

Many people suffer all their lives, and never take action. Their philosophy? If you never try, you’ll never fail. 

But if you never take a risk, you’ll never feel the elation of a well-earned reward.

Something in your past has shaped your view of who you are, how others see you, and what you can actually do. Listen: it’s in the past, and quite likely incorrect. Whatever happened, or whatever was said, your subconscious mind absorbed it, and established it as part of your belief system.

But it’s really not part of who you are; you weren’t born that way. You’ve learned to be shy, or lack faith in yourself in certain situations, and this has been holding you back, possibly for years.

Your mind is programmed to keep you safe, and it’s setting you a low bar. Perhaps you avoid anything which has the remotest risk of failure or embarrassment? You see danger signals when there usually isn't any danger.

What we show to others is how they form their opinions of us. If the signals we’re sending out aren’t getting us what we’d like to be getting back, it plays right into the hands of your safety-first subconscious mind, which then steers you away from similar situations in the future.

The good news is this: just as you learned to believe this artificial, incorrect information about yourself, you can learn a different way to behave, one that uses no more effort or intelligence but which will have a more positive, beneficial outcome.


Like you, I used to bite my nails, but I kind of grew out of it when I was a teenager. I do remember making a conscious decision to stop, after my Irish Grandma, who told more old-wives tales than you could shake a stick at, told me I’d get a burst appendix if I carried on!

That worked for me, and within days of stopping I acquired a pride in my hands that has lasted to this day. One very destructive, unhygienic, and unattractive habit switched quickly to another, positive, attractive, sensible one.

You may have never thought about WHY you bite your nails. It can probably be traced back to something completely false that happened when you were younger, and less worldly-wise. Whatever it was, whether or not it was meant that way, it left you feeling nervous or anxious in certain situations, and although that old reason is no longer valid, the habit has become automatic behaviour.

It serves no purpose, it has no point, and it’s something you’d really like not to do any more.

This hypnosis program doesn’t care why you do it: we’re not going back to find out, we’re just going forwards and equipping you with the tools and weapons to stop that habit, crush it dead, and consign it to the distant past.

The powerful single-session will break-down the process, isolate the impulses, and decouple the automated responses you’ve been struggling with all this time. You’ll open your mind to the marvellous benefits that you’ll start to feel once you make this change, and the pride that comes from not having to hide your hands (or hide behind them) in the future.

You can do this, and I can help you!

You'll Succeed Faster With Hypnosis

As with all my hypnosis programs, these will work better and faster if you’re confident going in and out of trance. If you’ve tried hypnosis or hypnotherapy in the past, and feel that it worked for you, you should be fine. If this is your first time, I recommend you complete my two short training recordings (included in your download) before you set to work on the main event.

Hypnosis is progressive, and the more often you do it, the faster, smoother, and deeper it becomes. By conditioning yourself with the training recordings, you’ll find the therapeutic effects of the main recordings will be many times more successful.

All you have to do is relax!


Rick Smith has been a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist since 2007. His bestselling 2013 book "How to Master Self-Hypnosis in a Weekend" introduced tens of thousands of new enthusiasts to the amazing potential of the hypnotic trance. Rick's online system, using custom hypnosis recordings - the scripts - has opened up access to professional hypnotherapy to people all over the world, irrespective of of their location, wealth, or status.